Even after years of reporting on religion in politics, God-o-Meter is always taken by how often a random voter turns out to be deeply influenced by his faith, and how often those voters hail from the born again tradition. Take the newly famous Joe the Plumber’s comments yesterday about he views what the U.S. has…

The conservative pro-life movement has been hitting Obama on his explanation last night for why he opposed the Born Alive Act in the Illinois state legislature. But God-o-Meter thought the bigger headline from the abortion discussion in the debate was Obama’s emphasis on reducing abortion while foregoing any rigorous defense of a woman’s right to…

Steve Waldman noted this week that Same-sex marriage is nowhere near the front-burner issue it was in 2004, when it might have tipped the election to George W. Bush. Today’s ruling from the Connecitcut Supreme Court legalizing gay marriage there won’t change that; there is something of a financial crisis roiling the known universe. But…

One of the big takeaways from today’s new poll on religious voters is that white evangelicals under 35 are a lot more progressive than their parents, by a number of different measures. It’s worth noting that abortion is not one of them: More than six-in-ten (62%) say abortion is very important to their vote, compared…

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