So far as God-o-Meter is aware, Jeremiah Wright’s remarks at the 53rd Annual Fight for Freedom Fund dinner of the NAACP’s Detroit branch on April 27 will be his first publicly since the uproar over his sermons began a month ago. AP has the brief. Will he be combative or conciliatory?

Barack Obama advertises himself as the candidate who can transcend deep-seated divisions in our politics and culture, and his interview in today’s Advocate–the gay national news mag–offers a good example of him engaging in that difficult work. In it, Obama attempts to bridge the oft-portrayed rift between the church and the homosexual community. Rather than…

God-o-Meter is surprised this one hasn’t gotten more attention. The Associated Baptist Press has an interview with John McCain’s longtime pastor that provides the fullest account to date of the senator’s long but complex relationship with the North Phoenix Baptist Church. McCain, raised an Episcopalian, has attended the church for some 17 years without ever…

To call Lanny Davis, former special counsel to President Bill Clinton, a supporter of Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy doesn’t really do his role justice. He’s more like an honorary member of Clinton’s campaign. So when he goes for Barack Obama’s jugular this morning in The Wall Street Journal over Obama’s response to Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s…

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