The Brody File reports that John McCain is readying a so-called “Committee of 50” religious and conservative leaders as a key component of its evangelical outreach strategy. To which God-o-Meter responds: How’s this different than the (lackluster) religious outreach strategy McCain has pursued thus far? In February, the McCain camp released a list of dozens…

The Hotline reports that Obama’s up with a new Spanish-language radio ad in Philadelphia. Read this translation. Notice the emphasis on faith, family values, and personal struggle. Sounds like a Huckabee ad, doesn’t it? SCRIPT: He was only two years old when his father left. Even though his family didn’t have much money, with the…

Who woulda thunk it? The conservative Catholic League, which my bear more responsibility than any other group for tarnishing John Kerry’s reputation among fellow Catholics during the 2004 campaign, has issued this pro-Clinton press release: KUDOS TO HILLARY CLINTON: BUSH SHOULD BOYCOTT OLYMPIC OPENING April 7, 2008 Catholic League president Bill Donohue backed Senator Hillary…

The New York Times notes today that John McCain’s camp has gone completely silent about its John Hagee endorsement since announcing it in San Antonio in February: The McCain campaign sought Mr. Hagee’s support, Mr. Hagee said in a recent interview. But after the two announced the endorsement at an event on Feb. 27 in…

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