Fresh Living

There have been several news articles this week about prostate cancer, with which more than 186,000 American men will be diagnosed this year alone. First, Reuters reported today on a University of Southern California study that showed that taking folic acid supplements increased a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer. Then there was this AP…

You may have noticed that each morning, Valerie and I have been taking turns posting “Fresh Morning” tidbits, tips, quotes, etc to help you start your day with a smile on your face.  You can spot these posts by the cheerful sun in the upper right corner of each one:   Speaking of mornings (which…

— from Flower Mandalas, a wonderful blog by artist David J. Bookbinder

What difference can one person make? Ask the organizers of “Earth Hour,” who saw their idea to fight climate change by turning off electrical power for 60 minutes spread in two years from a local project in Sydney, Australia to a global phenomenon.  Here in Boston, the Citgo sign, Prudential Center, Zakim Bridge, and other…

I’m guessing Holly’s moving post on breaking up with a friend will strike a chord. There’s something about betrayal or abandonment in friendship that often feels harsher than that of a lover. Partly because (and pardon if I sound a wee bitter) we almost expect romantic partners to hurt us or be transient; friends are supposed…

Thanks to all of you who shared your secret home remedies for the common cold.  There were so many great ideas, we couldn’t keep them all to ourselves, so we created a Beliefnet feature to share your wellness tips with the world. Click here for the fruits of your labors: Your Best Natural Cold Remedies.…

“Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving” –Kahlil Gibran Stay tuned for more quotes on gratitude and happiness in an upcoming feature by Janice Taylor.  Meanwhile, what what is your “winged heart” grateful for today?

Today started with some serious crankiness. My body felt stiff in yoga, my head was bursting by noon, lunch was a snarfed-down rush. But then around 3pm, a co-worker asked if I’d like to run out for a chai. And it was nice out. Not sunny, but not cold. After a few minutes of chatting, walking,…

Check out Beyond Blue for Therese’s lovely video on what to do when a friendship ends.  I love how she talks about the end of a friendship as similar to the end of a marriage.  And what a beautiful quote from Anne Morrow Lindbergh: “I shall ask into my shell only those friends with whom…

“I’m convinced that Spirit is trying to get kindred spirits together, like some cosmic social director. Help out by talking to the people who talk to you. Or start up the conversation when someone looks interesting, or gives you some indication that you might not be in the same room or on the same bus…

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