Fresh Living

Valerie’s post about “How to Speak Peace” really has me thinking.  A few months back, I was chatting with a very spiritually-oriented friend about something that was stressing me out.  It was a banal, everyday kind of stress situation, and as I blathered on and on about it, I casually said, “ug, it’s totally killing…

Radio shock jock Don Imus made public his prostate cancer diagnosis today.  As I shared last week, my dad got that same news last summer.  Seeing the words “prostate cancer” anywhere, but especially on the news, give me a little zing of anxiety-memory from that period, when my  family was consumed with learning the vocabulary…

When I hear people toss off expressions like “there are many ways to skin a cat” or “kill two birds with one stone,” I cringe deeply, instantly picturing a poor wounded kitty or a pair of violently felled birds. Though I feel weird getting upset about a stupid cliché, for me it’s like being forced to watch a gory movie…

“Bitter is made sweet through love; copper becomes gold through love. Through love dregs become clear; love heals all pain. Through love the king becomes slave; love brings the dead to life.” – Rumi Click here for more from our “Rumi Quotes to Inspire Your Soul” gallery.

Foodie Friday is upon us, and as springtime comes, this woman’s heart turns to thoughts of…lemons!  When the weather turns all warm and fresh and new, I want lemons. And in any kind of weather, I want dessert.  So, since I can’t be the only one who feels this way, I thought I’d put the…

I heart TJ’s. I love their commitment to natural foods, friendly service, great prices, and the incredible deliciousness of the TJ’s house-brand foods (not to mention those expandable sponges!). We only recently got the stores in NYC and the one nearish me in Brooklyn is actually shop-able (read: the line is less than an hour…

It’s funny, but the much-discussed Jon Stewart – Jim Cramer interview on The Daily Show has me thinking about the responses to my “How to Break Up with a Friend” post.  The post asked the question, is it better to “go dark” to end a friendship, or stage a confrontation/explanation of why you’re upset and…

It’s Friday the 13th, and I have luck on my mind.  My birthday is on a 13th, so I’ve always felt positive things toward the unluckiest number.  But what is luck, anyway?  And how do I get some? In this new Beliefnet gallery, the fabulous Janice Taylor (of the Our Lady of Weight Loss blog)…

Bring a little “Centering Mountain Pose” into your commute and make the most of standing around.  From our “12 Yoga Poses for Your Workday” gallery: “Sit or stand tall. Feel lift through the center of your body, from the base of your hips through the crown of your head. Close your eyes and let go…

The most exciting thing about having a blog is getting feedback and having interactions with readers–you! We love love love when you comment and share your stories with us and each other, so please, keep it coming. It’s especially cool when we can see how something you’ve read here–from me or Holly or readers–has affected…

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