Fresh Living

Did you know that April is National Stress Awareness Month?  It’s good timing for me, because I’m going through a minor stress blip in my life.  So I’ve been thinking about ideas for ways to a) become more aware of the triggers that start stress building and b) take a step in whatever direction stress…

Hi, I usually do these on my personal blog, but was feeling inspired so… I am grateful for… 1) The woman on the subway platform who said how beautiful the colors of my yoga mat and totebag looked together this morning. Green mat, purple bag. Woman after my own heart, noticing the magic of a…

“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”  –Nelson Mandela Need more morning inspiration?  Read our entire Fresh Morning collection!

Once upon a time I was a junior high punk rock girl with a pink mohawk and combat boots. I stomped around New York City, doodled the “A” for “anarchy” on my notebooks, and listened to bands like the Sex Pistols really, really loud. I was also completely obsessed with Anabella, the lead singer of…

I just tried looking for some nice morning prayers, but none of them quite rang my chimes, so I wrote my own:    Holy universe, one source of true divine love, and the guides and angels who love me: May I begin this day light of heart and full of spirit. May I stay connected to all…

We wanted to ask if you’d please extend your prayers to someone in the Beliefnet blogging family, Michele McGinty, who writes “Reformed Chicks Blabbing,” a conservative political blog. Her friend Angela Arnold posted this today on Reformed Chicks: “As you know, the cancer has returned, and it is very aggressive. The chemotherapy that began in…

“One’s action ought to come out of an achieved stillness: not to be mere rushing on.” –D.H. Lawrence Need more morning inspiration?  Read our entire Fresh Morning collection!

The news today that tennis legend Martina Navratilova has been diagnosed with breast cancer was something of a roller coaster.  First there was the “No!” feeling we get whenever someone we admire is stricken with an illness.  Learning that an athlete we admire has been diagnosed feels somehow even harder.  As she told People magazine,…

This is about teachers, but I think it applies to all of us not living in a cave, under a rock, inside a cavern. “I’ve come to the frightening conclusioin that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power…

My acupuncturist/bodyworker friend who started Yoga Local, a cool find-a-yoga-studio iPhone app, just sent out this lovely little list of ways to tune your health to harmonize with the changing season. It takes principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and turns them into useful tips. Enjoy!     Put Some Spring in Your Step with Traditional Chinese Medicine by…

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