sun1.jpgI just tried looking for some nice morning prayers, but none of them quite rang my chimes, so I wrote my own:


 Holy universe, one source of true divine love, and the guides and angels who love me:

May I begin this day light of heart and full of spirit.

May I stay connected to all that is good in me and all that is good in others.

May I take myself–especially the darker twists of mind and soul–with humor, empathy, and compassion.

May I extend this gift to others.

May irritation, annoyance, fear, anger, and doubt be my guides to a deeper understanding and compassion.

May I see with clear vision and feel with an open heart.

May I do one kind thing for another.

May I notice and receive one kind thing another gives or does for me.

May the wind be at my back, may the road rise to meet me, may I align with the true source of grace, light, and love so I may be a channel of that light, filling all of my soul’s cells, so that each being I encounter is also blessed with this grace.

May I catch the rays of sunshine, the warm breezes, the blooming leaves, the gentle waters, expansive vistas, fresh air, and soaring skies–even if only in my mind’s eye. May I absorb nature’s beauty and bounty no matter where I am.

May I remember that I am loved, that we all are loved, and that a love of the infinite, fragrant, and eternally unconditional variety is available every moment, with every breath, to us all.


Thank you,

thank you,

thank you.  

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