Seventy-five million.  That’s how many people in the US, Europe, and Japan are estimated to be affected by osteoporosis, the bone disease that leads to increased risks for fractures as we age.

Today is World Osteoporosis Day, an awareness-raising effort by the International Osteoporosis Foundation, so I thought I’d list 5 fun facts that might be helpful to you if you’re trying to prevent or reverse osteoporosis.

1.  Fruit and vegetable intake increases bone density.  So crunch and munch away!

2.  Calcium and vitamin D supplements can reduce the risks of fractures.  Get your vitamin D level checked to find out if supplements are right for you.

3.  High dietary protein is associated with lower rates of bone loss.  Bring on the fish and olive oil!

4.  Spending more of your time doing “leisure” activities–even household chores–reduces the risk of hip fracture.  So kick a ball…or sweep the floor!

5.  For women who are postmenopausal, therapeutic exercise can maintain or even increase bone density.  Go for it, ladies!

Click here for more on World Osteoporosis Day 2009, and let us know if you have other fun bone density facts to share.

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