How do you “live fresh?”  In other words, how do you find joy in every new day?  We asked, you answered.  Here’s reader LadyofLight’s response: “Acknowledge nature – take a walk or look out the window. Write something every day. Have a sensory experience of touching a flower, tree bark or a leaf. Put aside…

This video is rocking and inspiring my world. It started in California with a street musician named Roger Ridley. Then the producers–with just a laptop and a mike and some headphones–moved on to New Orleans, then Europe, Africa, South America, etc., asking musicians to listen to the basic track and play. Tears. Chills. In a…

What happens when one of the most revered spiritual leaders in the world visits two of the most revered educational institutions in the world?  Wisdom, that’s what. This week, the Dalai Lama visited Harvard University and MIT with the message that being smart is not at all the same as being happy.  I commend to…

Yesterday at a local Duane Reade a friend and I spotted Pepsi Natural–a version of Pepsi I’d never seen before. In a lovely tan 4-pack box with modern organic packaging, the stuff intrigued me. Peering at the ingredients on the shapely bottle, I noted no high fructose corn syrup (just “sugar”), no artifical colors, and…

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