Thanks to my friend Jenn at Tiny Choices for sending this neat idea over. I’ve been wondering what to do with my no-longer-so-sticky mat. It’s also a good option if you’ve just ditched your PVC mat for an eco-er one but don’t want to toss it completely. Here are the step-by step instructions for making…

Not to be a bummer, but this is just to reach out to those of you who might have a less than “Yay!” response when it comes to Mother’s Day. For those who have extremely complicated mom relationships or who have lost their mothers or who have lost a child, Mother’s Day is not a flowers-and-fudge affair.…

It’s not till Sunday–you have aaaages. Ok, maybe not. But if you’re anything like me even the most predictable holidays seem to come as a sudden, urgent surprise. “Really, again?” No matter your relationship with your mom (which probably has a blend of every emotion in it), it’s so nice to get her something she…

If you’re reading this, then you’ve taken the first step of the day–getting out of bed.  Some days that’s easier than others, depending on how well you slept, what the weather is outside, and how you’re feeling physically and emotionally. So I was wondering–what got you out of bed this morning?  Did you have to…

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