“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It is a new day. We are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights and as such, there is…

Take a page from the littlest angels… Get a little Sara Bareilles out there in the world and BE BRAVE. Don’t run, stop holding your tongue Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live Maybe one of these days you can let the light in Show me how big your brave is…

Be willing to have the truth, your truth Lovingly blossom. Keep your eyes attune to the whispers on the wind listening to what’s required for your soul’s growth.  Use your listening heart to uncover the truth in each circumstance.  Let the answer surprise you.  Be curious, take a breath, allow the moment to unfold without pre-conceived ideas.…

Every breath represents the beginning of a new cycle.  An opportunity to begin again. In each new breath, we get the opportunity to make a commitment to being Loving, creating a complete reset point in your operating system.  Opening the gateways to new worlds of possibility never before experienced. “Courage is more exhilarating than fear…

Step into the destiny of this moment.  No matter what you think is stopping you, forget it and jump in, take that next step.  Remember you begin again with each breath where everything is possible and new worlds await.  It is only important that you take the step forward. In developing this practice your internal gears…

Today is the day to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again.  A lesson and a way of life.  In achieving this inner reset button where you have a mechanism of restoring your connection to your divine source that is in you but not of you, you take the largest step toward your…

“Girl, if you aint going to really sing that song. Sit down. — I have always kept that in my heart, whatever you are singing make it real.” –Oleta Adams Whatever you do – do it with all your heart. Like Maya Angelou says “A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings…

At a recent gathering a dear friend shared this Starfish Thrower story as an answer to her own question and emotions around how, after this past years massive efforts where she gave everything she had, was tested beyond belief, risked everything, jumping off cliff after cliff without ceasing, only to realize more, then more, was…

That energy of love’s purest grace is made manifest through our soul’s code working in concert with our nature.  How we cultivate this powerful force of our being relates the ease at which we move through the world lending our imprint. Cultivating inspiration is a practice like anything else. Acting on the inspiration where the…

Magnificent and magical May is upon us.  Today is another gorgeous Monday to celebrate the spring of our lives. Heading into the archives of my mind I started hearing Mel Torme singing Mountain Greenery celebrating the joys of nature and the powerful place May has in the year’s soulful calendar. Nobody did it better than Richard Rodgers & Lorenz Hart…

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