Allow everything to open up in the place of connection where walls and separation crumbles and falls away surrendering to the giving and receiving of love in its purest form. “Free of the constraints of the lie you have been telling yourself forever” and remember the infinity loop of heaven on earth in the fullness…

Thinking about inviting more and more love into your life. Here’s a look at what is ahead for October. Enjoy being more loving.  Enjoy a little extra support in kickstarting what is next in your life with so much love. Never doubt the power of love to shift your vision.  Print this out, add it…

Been thinking a lot about personal responsibility, as the news trumpets on, and life marches forward and as change is constant, and the ways we could complain endless.  Today is Day 1 of the #Next 100 Mel’s Love Land Challenge to take a stance in your life and quite simply, look at the world with…

There are so many ways and tools and support systems to integrate the universal energies always at play in our lives.  All of them offer ways to heal, to transcend limitations self imposed and otherwise and lead the way to deepening your practices of self love.  One of my favorites is an ancient practice that…

True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity, before it is entitled to the appellation.  –George Washington Washington was a passionate gardener and spent many hours tending such at his home in Mount Vernon.  A man who did what was necessary and lead an army of…

“The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love” William Sloane Coffin, Jr. chaplain of Yale University I strongly hold you in my heart, soulfully breathing in and out, radiating happiness, dancing in the truth, drinking deeply from the cup of life.  Singing my song.   Instead, speaking…

Say it loud and say it proud.  “I AM POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE” and repeat often.  Do not shy away from the truth of who you are.  Live in the full light of all that you are. May it get easier and more effortless for you to go through deeper and deeper doors of love and…

Give today over to open your heart wider than you ever thought possible.  Take time to remember how much love is available in your life.  Make each hello a time to love and a time to share the precious thoughts on your mind. “One resists the invasion of armies; one does not resist the invasion…

I saw this quote in an office of a Social Worker who day in and day out faces those, who are at the end of their financial line, at the end of their hope in working to provide for their families, at the end of their faith that a different possibility was available to them,…

Eternal presence. The gift of love laid bare. During this day, remember Love given and experienced endlessly works miracles. Ephesians 1:4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love. This is how we do it.  In thinking with the thoughts of…

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