Last Friday’s standing-room only hearing before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission was among the most dramatic I’ve witnessed.  There was outrage – outrage not just from me as I declared the State Department “AWOL” in our quest to free an American Pastor, Saeed Abedini — a U.S. citizen — captured by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard…

Is Attorney General Holder and the Justice Department ready to make a deal in providing Congress with documents concerning the botched gun-running operation that resulted in the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry? There are reports that a meeting will take place soon to see if a deal can be reached. As you…

After failed attempts to get key documents in its investigation of the botched gun-running program known as Operation Fast & Furious, Congress filed a federal lawsuit in August urging a judge to force Attorney General Holder and the Justice Department to turn over critical documents in the case. There’s still many unanswered questions about the…

The fight to challenge ObamaCare is over at the Supreme Court. Now, the focal point is Congress – and specifically the U.S. House of Representatives. House Speaker John Boehner put it bluntly: “This has to be ripped out by its roots. This is government taking over the entire health industry. The American people do not…

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