We knew that it would happen. Palestinian President Abbas submitted his request to the United Nations seeking complete statehood for the Palestinian Authority (PA) – a government led by Hamas, a terrorist organization that vows to destroy Israel. The PA bid for statehood is now under consideration at the U.N. Security Council. Our legal and…

With the spotlight on the push by the Palestinian Authority to seek full statehood at the United Nations, it’s easy to overlook something else that’s playing out at the U.N. involving one of the world’s most dangerous dictators.   Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took center stage today at the United Nations General Assembly for the seventh time,…

With a showdown expected this week at the United Nations, where Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is expected to push for complete statehood for the Palestinian Authority (PA), there’s a new question being asked today about what President Obama has said about Palestinian statehood in the past. In 2010, President Obama told the U.N General Assembly: “When…

All eyes will be on the United Nations this week as the Palestinian Authority (PA) seeks recognition as a sovereign state. Of course, what is most troubling is the fact that the Palestinian Authority has embraced Hamas, a terrorist organization that vows to destroy Israel. With Hamas a part of the PA government, it’s clear…

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