After failed attempts to get key documents in its investigation of the botched gun-running program known as Operation Fast & Furious, Congress filed a federal lawsuit in August urging a judge to force Attorney General Holder and the Justice Department to turn over critical documents in the case. There’s still many unanswered questions about the…

A meeting between Rep. Issa and Attorney General Holder is scheduled to take place late today. Here’s the question: will the meeting and the documents expected to be produced by Holder be enough to hold off a scheduled contempt of Congress vote against Holder set for tomorrow in the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee?…

It’s a tactic that has become the hallmark of his presidency. President Obama declaring a change in U.S. immigration law. No Congressional action. No court decision. Just another executive decision. This time changing immigration law to permit young people who were brought to this country illegally to stay, rather than face deportation. We should have…

It was an extraordinary exchange. Rep. Trey Gowdy, (R-SC) asking Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sebelius to explain the constitutional implications involved in the HHS mandate, which is under attack for violating the religious beliefs of millions of Americans. The mandate requires employers to purchase health insurance for their employees that includes coverage for…

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