“With government spending and regulations out of control, small businesses don’t know what’s going to hit them next.” That from U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue.

The fact is small businesses are going to get hit again – this time they will be hit very hard by ObamaCare. A new poll by the Chamber found that small businesses are very concerned about the negative impact that the government-run, costly health care law will have on them. An eye-opening finding: Nearly three-quarters, or 74 percent, believe ObamaCare is causing an impediment to job creation. And, 78 percent say regulation and taxation are severe obstacles to hiring.

According to an organization that represents small businesses, most see ObamaCare as more of a tax bill than a health reform bill.

These findings represent just one more piece of evidence that ObamaCare is not what America needs or wants.

In fact, there’s a news report out today that highlights a report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) which reveals that health care reform programs that are similar to those promoted by ObamaCare do not save the government money or reduce health care costs.

CNSNews.com reports:

“The report examined 10 major demonstration projects conducted by Medicare in which managed care programs and value-based payment programs are evaluated. The two types of health care reforms are key features of ObamaCare – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which became law in March 2010.

In the managed-care programs – where care-management companies were hired to coordinate care between doctors and patients with chronic diseases like diabetes, sending nurses to monitor whether patients were following doctor’s orders – the CBO found that the programs did not reduce costs enough to save the government money. . . .

In the case of value-based payment programs – where hospitals are paid based on whether they achieve better outcomes for their patients – the CBO again found that all but one of the programs assessed did not reduce health care costs enough to save Medicare any money.”

This week, we’ve taken a look at how ObamaCare fails patients, is generating more opposition from medical professionals, uses taxpayer funds to pay for abortions, and is even making some ObamaCare backers nervous.

Make no mistake about it. The Obama Administration is digging in for a fight. HHS Secretary Sebelius is ramping up public appearances trying to generate as much support as possible for the troubling measure.

As oral arguments at the Supreme Court draw near, we must stand firm. We must articulate our message. Loud and clear. ObamaCare is not only wrong for America, it is unconstitutional. It is bad for this country. It must be rejected.

There’s not much time left in this latest legal battle. We will file a new amicus brief with the Supreme Court in 19 days. We already represent nearly 120 members of Congress and more than 160,000 Americans. Please take a moment to add your name now to our legal brief.

Make a difference today. Tell the Supreme Court that ObamaCare must go.

Jay Sekulow


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