Everyday Spirituality

Zen Kitty here, Living in upstate New York, in a quiet home, in the woods, gives me the opportunity to explore and reflect. Not to say I didn’t explore and reflect the first six weeks of my life when I lived in the one hundred year old barn with my multitude of aunts, uncles, brothers,…

An addendum to my introduction: A striking event occurred in 1998. I was operating a front end loader, scooping horse poop out of the horse stalls, and upon returning the loader to the shop, the engine blew up. The cab was filled with fire. I clearly remember asking God, “What is this?” I knew the…

Because of hindsight, my human history has been oversimplified and underestimated, not taking into consideration the uncertainties I faced at the time. Basically, hindsight is biased and unable to be objective. My brief history relates to where I am today. However, human lives are multifaceted and quite vulnerable to twists and turns and a variety…

The revision of Science and Health occurred when our daughters were in college. The research and study required on my part was never uninteresting and was always rewarding. There were times when I felt overwhelmed, but a healing would occur, or an epiphany would come, or an inspired person would be met to help me,…

The shock of the crop loss eventually quit gripping our minds and Doug and I catapulted into a new zone of mental courage. The decision was made to stick it out and come up with a realistic long term farm plan. We borrowed money to plant 6 acres of new apple trees. Then we lived…

With July 4 upon us, I would like to take a commercial break from my introduction and touch on this day of celebration. During the American Revolutionary War (1775-1782) against Britain, a Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 brave souls who seriously made themselves accountable for a better government. Previous delusions that Britain would…

If I thought college was an eye-opener, being married was an eye-bugger outer. What on earth made me think I was ready to get married? Group think? TV fantasies about being married? Anyway, I was a married woman in 1983 and the first year completely stunk (Doug was older, ready to be married, and had…

Somehow, I managed to make it through elementary school without effort. After school, Dad would have us older children come home and work on the farm or in the garden. We lacked nothing. Mom even went away for a few days and came home with a little sister for us. The family routine consisted of…

Skipping to first grade, I only can tell you about a new girl, Carrie, who had just been introduced to our class. Curiosity and trepidation swept through the classroom when the teacher introduced Carrie to us, because half of her face was covered with heavy makeup to hide a deformity. However, my eyes were not…

Everyday Spirituality is keyed up to get to know Beliefnet world. My blog will use everyday illustrations to shed light on Spirit and its manifestation of spirituality. Periodically, Everyday Spirituality will be joined by guest writer, Zen Kitty (a.k.a. Richard). We will present various ideas through the framework of divine Science. To get started, I’ll…

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