Everyday Spirituality

You can say I’m in denial, but I don’t think the cancer killed my Dad. He is still alive to me. And, I think of Dad more often than on Father’s Day. Don’t get me wrong. My experience is not always pleasant. But it is thought provoking. Dad could be intimidating when I was growing…

First read in Farm Show magazine May 2018: Written by Anonymous The other day, a friend at a store in our town read that a methamphetamine lab had been found in an old farmhouse not far away and he asked me, “Why didn’t we have a durg problem when you and I were growing up?”…

I know it’s hard to find time to read, but if you do make time, here are two books that have ramped up my appreciation for writer’s who put into words what’s in my head. I don’t think the authors are “right” or “wrong,” they just give me something to think about in new ways,…

As a journalist, I remind myself of the limitation of “the word.” Human language is imperfect, incomplete. I learned this fact through religion. In my religion, I came across churchy authorities who stressed (a.k.a. censored) reading only two books for religious study. The position that only two books could be the source of my religion…

It’s hard to believe God created everything for us human beings, on an earth which is but a speck of dust in the universe. The above sentence is what I heard from New York University Professor of Philosophy Tim Maudlin in the class: Science, Religion and the Origins of the Universe. Maudlin explains that for…

I live in rural America. Really rural. A quick glance through the local newspaper told me it was “Movie and Cinnamon Bun night at Kellogg School” last night. So, off we went to Kellogg School in the nearest Hamlet of Treadwell. About ten other neighbors came to the event. None of us had to pay…

Conspiracies, demotions, and absurdities make the headlines these days. But it’s no different from yester-year. Don’t be flummoxed. Reading the second chapter in I Kings, we meet Adonijah, the half-brother of King Solomon. Adonijah went to Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother, and asked her to ask Solomon for the hand in marriage of Abishag. “So Bathsheba said,…

I often hear about how people in the West “feel entitled,” and that the entitlement distorts our priorities. I just might agree with this analysis. I am a Baby Boomer, who has strong ties to members of the Greatest Generation, who fought in World War II. The idea of freedom for oneself and for our…

Holy Friday and Easter has come and gone, commemorating the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. But, I don’t forget to honor his ascension. An ascension can be defined as: leaving no trace of death; no physical body left behind; attention focused on the spirit of an individual. Jesus isn’t the only person to…

More than 30,000 Christian denominations exist worldwide, according to the World Christian Encyclopedia. Thirty thousand. That’s an enormous number. A 2018 Barna Research study reports that, “Churches of all stripes practice their own flavor of ministry in cities across the United States, all based on particular interpretations of scripture and style.” Arguably, there is no…

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