hugs from a young womanWhen you live with awareness of your inner truth, you are living your best possible life.

It’s a shame that we so often overlook what’s deep inside of ourselves, in pursuit of external validation. We crave possessions and worldly success. We crave validation from others. Our attention is ever diverted away from what’s going on inside. Why?

Because it’s not a bowl of cherries in there.

As much as we know that, deep down, we are innocent, vulnerable and sweet, there is often a wall of negativity and self-sabotage that stands in the way of our deeper truth.

It is this wall of negativity that you must penetrate if you want to live in touch with your true self. How do you go about it?

When the negative thoughts within harangue you, try these 5 methods for moving past them…

1. Write it down

Try it. Take a paper and pen, then begin recording the stream of thoughts that pass through your mind. Don’t attempt to edit your thoughts…just write. When the stream of thoughts is coming to an end, ask yourself, “How do I sum all this up?” Then, record the next thing that comes to mind.

This final thought is a worth knowing. If it is positive, then you’ve just handed yourself a piece of inspiration. If it’s negative, then you now have a negative belief to address that may be getting in your way. Address it!

2. Complete the sentence

Complete the following sentence with at least three answers that come to mind:

What I most need to know about myself is….

One of the answers will probably point in a productive direction in your growth as a person. If it’s positive, take inspiration. If it’s negative, find your humility and take on the challenge of dealing with it.

3. Ask for feedback

There are people in your life that know you and care about you. When was the last time you asked one of them for personal feedback? Most of us never act proactively to learn from one of the best resources around – other people.

Ask a trusted friend:

What do you think is one of my finest qualities?

What do you think I need to work on as a person?

Ask sincerely. If you’re bold enough to inquire, you’ll learn more about who you are through the eyes of others.

4. Find your purpose

It’s not as difficult as it might seem. Here’s on thing to try. Take out a sheet of paper and put at the top: My Purpose in Life, For Now, Is……

Then, write! Keep writing until you hit on an idea that grabs you, emotionally. Yes, get past all the surface thoughts and you’ll soon come across an idea that sparks deeper emotions in you. Stop there. You may have just run across something valuable. Savor that thought. It could be your purpose at this time in your life.

5. Ground yourself and listen

I believe that all of us have the inner wisdom we need – if we will listen. Again, it’s the negative voices inside that tend to drown out the deeper message. One good way to get past these voices is to ground yourself before turning your attention inward.

Here’s how to do it: Sit comfortably and listen to the background sounds in the room. They might include the sound of a fan blowing, your computer humming or the sound of distant traffic. Pick one mundane, consistent background noise – white noise. Just listen to it until you feel a slight settling within yourself.

After you settle, then turn your attention inward and simply listen for any words of wisdom you need at this time. Try it!

Yes, it all takes a little conscious effort. Surprisingly little! Yet, what’s more surprising, given the rewards, is that so few of us are willing to put in that effort.

But you will, won’t you?

The other option is to get some direct, personal coaching. This personalized email coaching program is a great way to introduce yourself to deeper truths lurking within yourself.

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