A man who came to one of my first public dream classes told the group, “I am here because I think I have been missing the movies.” His statement was right on. One morning, when I myself woke with no dream recall, I decided to stay in bed and let myself float back gently towards…

The passions of the soul work magic. This observation, attributed to the great Dominican scholar and magus Albertus Magnus (and loved by Jung) is eminently practical guidance for living your juiciest and most creative life. There are two conditions for working positive magic this way. The first is that we must choose to take the primal,…

“Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” – Joseph Campbell On Joseph Campbell’s birthday, I want to recall one of the rules for living that he understood well:  for every setback, look for the opportunity. Its close companion is: for every wound,…

The sun rises from behind the mountains, and golden light bursts over the lake. Though the analogy is too pedestrian for the glory of this moment, it seems to me that an immense light bulb has come on, impossible to miss yet difficult to look at head-on. I am reminded of some lines from Emerson…

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