It’s starting again. She is in the jungle, and it steams and stinks. She sees Asian men in rags through the green tangle, and knows they will kill her if they can. Overhead, the whir of choppers beats the air, coming lower and lower. The world around her explodes into mud and blood. As she…

On an everyday basis, psychic good health depends, first and last, on exercising common sense, staying grounded, maintaining a functioning “BS detector” – and keeping a sense of humor. The fundamentals are really very simple: • Stay grounded. Spend time in nature. Stay connected with the elemental powers of earth and air, fire and water.…

Even when we don’t remember our night dreams, we are likely to wake with a dream hangover. This can be a good thing. For example, we rise with renewed energy and a sense of clarity and direction about a life issue, maybe ready to face the day world with vigor and laughter. Or we may…

We have precious few clues to just what was going on in the disturbed mind of the young man who shot U.S. Rep. Gabrelle Giffords and killed several others in a horrific crime in Tucson on Sunday. While we pray for Congresswoman Giffords’ recovery, I want to respond to news reports that the killer boasted…

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