Doing Life Together

We all want to remain on top of our game as along as possible as we age. We’ve heard a lot about doing puzzles and mental activities that require cognitive engagement. But how about some fun ways to keep your mind sharp? A few may even surprise you! It is Friday night. You are with your…

This is  my dad when he fought in WWII! And on the right is my dad at age 94. He is one of the many veterans who needs to be honored today. Such sacrifices our veterans made and continue to make to provide us our freedom. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! What…

Recently, we have heard stories about addiction and how it has impacted families of those on the presidential campaign trail. Jeb Bush talked to CNN about his daughter’s run in with the law while fighting a prescription drug addiction. Others like Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina have also been open and transparent regarding the destructive effects of addiction…

At this point in the school year, I find myself thinking, “I need a vacation!”As much as I love family, visiting relatives for holidays is not exactly a vacation. The idea of sun, a beach and white sand makes me happy. And yet, I have 3 weeks left in untaken vacation time. Employees who take…

I have no idea what it is like to be aging into my 80s or even 90s. But in so many conversations with aging people, the aches and pains of aging seem prominent and dominate discussions. So often I hear, aging as a curse to living. I know how different my body reacts at my…

A friend and I were looking at old wedding pictures. “I was skinny as could be when I got married. But look at me, a year later, I am packing on the weight. What happened to me?” she asked. The same thing that happens to most women when they marry!  Women do tend to gain some weight…

As Christians, we have to decide what to do with Halloween. Do we ignore it, participate with our neighbors, do our own thing, go to a church harvest party, or what? Is it better to engage the culture, have a voice in the festivities or retreat? To decide, research the roots of Halloween in order…

Bad news for the NFL. In September, a study was released that looked at the brains of deceased NFL players who had donated their brain to science due to suspicion of CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy). Of the 91 players tested, 87 had signs of CTE. That is 96%. A larger and more diverse sample of American…

Friendships! Do we nurture, appreciate and take care of them? Having a friend you can count on is priceless, so perhaps we should pay attention to those important relationships that bring so much to our lives. The other day I had to record spots for radio that we call the Mintle Health Minute. My producer,…

Most of us realize that a good way to get a response from a child, teen or young adult is to text them. This is how they like to communicate. There are benefits to texting communication: 1) Quick response 2) More convenient communication 3) Children feel more self-control when texting and thinking through what they want to…

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