Doing Life Together

You want to lose weight and know what you need to eat. But does stress make it harder to actually make healthy food choices? Let’s say you are under stress at work. You have to pass a series of exams to get that needed promotion. So much rides on you making the grade. During your study time,…

I was listening to HLN the other day as I was driving home from work and heard a show about Harvard University’s humanist chaplain. I went to Harvard’s chaplaincy page and found this description, “The Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard is dedicated to building, educating, and nurturing a diverse community of Humanists, agnostics, atheists, and the non-religious…

Every day, just living our lives, we face a number of opportunities to test our character. Often, our true self comes out in the small things; the everyday trials, frustrations or simple irritations. It’s in those moment, we see ourselves for who we really are and can decide if we need to make changes. Do we become…

For 7 years my husband and I experienced infertility. I was poked and prodded more times than I ever care to recall. All the testing came back with no known cause to our infertility. We were among the 4% of couples in the undefined category. At first, it was easy to trust God and believe for…

When the cheating website, AshleyMadison, was recently hacked, names were released. Affairs were revealed. Couples, families and churches are dealing with the revelation of loved ones and leaders who used the site to secretively have an affair. The aftermath has left many wondering, can I repair the damage to my marriage and to the people who…

Happy Grandparents Day! I’m not a grandparent yet, but I have many happy memories of my grandparents around Sunday dinners, family get togethers and special occasions. My dad’s grandmother loved to stay with us when my parents vacationed. She would spoil us, cook our favorite meals and tell us how good we were. My mom’s…

On my visit to NYC this summer, I went to the 911 Memorial. This was a picture I took as I stood at the footprint of the two missing towers. I don’t know David Brady or any of the other names around the wall, but I feel the loss. They were average Americans, at work,…

When I wrote the chapter on Sex and Affection in my latest book, We Need to Talk, I referenced the infidelity site I couldn’t believe a website  promoted married dating. A a therapist, I know how devastating an affair can be to a couple, a family, the church or place of employment. The website’s…

Labor Day! Fire up the barbecue, head to the beach or hike that mountain trail! Most of us think of this as a welcomed day off, marking the end of summer and the beginning of school and work for the Fall semester. Football begins and we gear up for another season. Growing up, it meant…

The other day, I ran into the grocery store to pick up a last minute item for dinner. As I meandered through the aisles trying to find the one item I needed, I noticed the checkout lines were long and dotted with carts of overflowing groceries. But then I spied the lone express checkout line…

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