Doing Life Together

I spoke to a woman who hasn’t talked to her mother for most of the year. She is angry at the way she is treated. Because of her anger, she is refusing to see her mom at Christmas. “I want to make her feel like she does me–unimportant and rejected. But I am guessing you…

Stress? It can make or break that holiday enjoyment. Not feeling the joy of the season because there is too much to do! Or maybe you are overwhelmed by the number parties and activities to attend. Watch and get a few tips to stress less this holiday season!  

A woman walks into the mall to go Christmas shopping when suddenly she feels a sense of dread, her hands get sweaty, her heart beats faster and she feels like she is going to die. Or a man has to give a short speech at the office holiday party and all he can think about is how…

The holidays are upon us and everyone has at least one family member they consider a little bit difficult. But what if the difficulty has created an uncomfortable distance that will be felt when you all sit down for the family meal or celebration? Relationship repair is needed. So where do you start? 1) Begin…

I’ve heard my daughter say that having a brother has helped her understand men. She feels comfortable being around men her age, in part, due to being raised with a brother. We know from previous research that having opposite sex siblings helps you feel more socially competent with peers. But what about romantic relationships? Does having…

When you think of Thanksgiving, what comes to mind? Watching the Macy’s Day parade, eating a very large meal with all the trimmings and watching football with family and friends? Black Friday and the kickoff of the Christmas season? The original Thanksgiving had nothing to do with any of these things. Thanks to my children’s school,…

I’ve been keeping a gratitude journal for the past weeks. Each day, I write down 3 things for which I am thankful. Focusing on gratitude changes a person. If you want to know how, watch my blog to learn about the many benefits of gratitude. 

My daughter was talking to us about relationships the other night. We asked about one young man she knew and her instant response was, “Too needy!” For her, that was a deal breaker. As I thought about this, we all have those deal breakers that say,”No, you are not the one,” when it comes to…

Eat less, exercise more. That is the weight loss mantra, right? The role of exercise in weight loss is often misunderstood. The State of Texas knows this first hand. They spend 37 million dollars on grants to help children in poverty reduce obesity through physical education between 2007-2011. The program was called, Texas Fitness Now, but…

I have to admit, I’m not a fan of No Shave November. I look forward to the month ending in order to see the faces of the men I care about again. But one of my producers had a different take on the No Shave idea and wrote a thoughtful spot for me to record…

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