Doing Life Together

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This past week we all heard the tragic news of Rick Warren’s son’s suicide. Our hearts and prayers go out to the family  as they mourn this painful loss. Suicide is not a topic talked about in the church even though Christians can be tempted to see suicide as an escape from life’s pain when…

I can’t comment on heavy stuff everyday, so after yesterday’s shock and awe about Yale, I need a lighter blog! If you shop and care about customer service, check out the top 9 worst retailers for customer service according to  a story in USA Today (3.16.13). Are you surprised by any of the picks? Only…

Susan was devastated. Her husband Dan was supposed to be in Cleveland on business. Instead he was seen vacationing in the Virgin Islands with a female co-worker. The betrayal took her by surprise. She couldn’t believe Dan would risk the ten-year marriage for another woman. Susan called a therapist. Dan admitted to the affair. He…

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This is really hard to believe, but apparently true. As someone with a social work degree, I can’t begin to understand this. Surely, Columbia could find someone to teach who isn’t a convicted felon. According to the New York Post, Kathy Boudin, paroled in 2003 after serving 22 years in prison for an armed car…

This morning I am taking my daughter to get her wisdom teeth removed. She can’t wait for it to be over and I feel the same. Even though this is a routine surgery, it is still a surgery and can give rise to worry. Worry is not something God wants us to do. Jesus repeatedly…

He was having an affair. The boss looked him in the eyes and said, “Pretend like this is God sitting and talking to you. Are you having an affair with a co-worker?” He looked her in the eyes and said, “No, I am not.” The problem was it was not April Fools. He was having…

After hearing the story of Easter in Sunday School for the first time, a middle school teen sat still and stared at the floor. She had listened intently and was saddened by the way Jesus was treated on “Good Friday.” The teacher noticed her puzzlement and asked what was wrong. The teen looked up, “I…

Tonight, I will attend a Maundy Thursday service. It is part of  Holy Week leading to Easter Sunday. The word, “Maundy” is derived from the Latin word mandatum,  meaning commandment . If refers to the commandments Jesus gave His disciples at the Last Supper, the night He was betrayed. He told them to love with humility…

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