Doing Life Together

A typical question I get asked is, “Why can’t I just avoid conflict? It makes me uncomfortable. If, for example, my mother is driving me crazy, can’t I just ignore her? Or, if I get too upset talking to my ex over visitation, can’t I just ignore him?” Questions like these can be answered by…

This week, a New York State judged overturned Bloomberg’s controversial ban on the consumption of large sugary drinks. Correction, Bloomberg calls it a “portion control measure”, not a ban. The ban was to go into effect on Tuesday of this week and and would have limited consumers of sugary beverages to less than 16 ounces.…

It’s that time when high schoolers decide to hit the tanning beds in preparation for prom, Spring banquets and more. But should they be tanning? Here are my 6 reasons why teens should rethink tanning–an important conversation to have with your daughters.

So, the other day I was listening as my petite, cute-as-a-pixie friend explained to me how she needs to get serious about losing weight and is using the Lose It App and actually lost a few pounds. Before you run off and download it from the App store, hear me out as I confess my…

A year ago, I wrote a blog about why people hate Tim Tebow. One reason was because the Gospel offends. So this weekend, when Tebow is once again slated to speak at a private religious institution, am I surprised that he is being attacked ? No, this attack is spiritual and some of you reading…

 “I can’t live with this man. He makes me crazy. I constantly have to remind him of even the simplest things. He’s like having another child.” “She would make anyone insane. She always tells me what to do. All she does is nag. I feel like an idiot who lives with his mother.”   Have…

Why do teens do things with their friends that they would never do by themselves? A part of the answer might have to do with the developing brain of a teen. Specifically, adolescents are wired in ways that lend to risk taking when in the presence of their friends. Researchers at Temple University tested the…

Guest blogger Dr. Rita Hancock, Board-certified Pain Management, treats people holistically. Author of Radical Well-Being and The Eden Diet, you can find out more about her at her website,   As a pain management specialist, I see patients on a daily basis who have pain conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, disc problems, muscle spasms, jaw…

NATIONAL EATING DISORDERS AWARENESS WEEK ends today. Be informed. Encourage someone who struggles to get help! What causes eating disorders? This simple question has a complex answer. Families are mystified as to what makes a 16 year-old jeopardize her health. Friends are disgusted by the vomiting sounds heard in college dorm room bathrooms. Husbands are…

I’ve written about it before. I trained residents, librarians, social workers, teachers and others in this easy stress buster. It’s free, it’s easy and it will save money on your health care costs. What is it? SMILING! Your facial gestures influence your mental health! In a study published in Psychological Science (November 2012), researchers found…

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