Doing Life Together

Reader Question: Q: Thanksgiving is a holiday that doesn’t seem to get its due. I want my children to understand the meaning of the holiday, as it is an important part of American history. What kinds of activities can I do with my children that will teach them more about this important day?   A:…

Tis the season for alcohol to flow regularly. Office parties, get togethers, holidays celebrations. But does your age make a difference when it comes to alcohol consuming? As you age, you lose muscle mass, body water and tend to add more fat. Alcohol doesn’t distribute in your fat, meaning it will circulate in your bloodstream…

Start your engines…the holiday eating season officially begins in a week. From Thanksgiving to New Year’s, the eating frenzy will be in full force! If you are like most of us, you will put on an extra pound or two. And while that doesn’t sound too bad, most of us don’t lose that weight after…

Rachel is like so many of her friends, single but wants to be married. She is tired of being set up and being disappointed when it comes to finding the right guy. But is her complaint all about the men she meets or are there signals she gives that say, don’t date me? The feedback…

When Robert came home from work, he found his wife sitting in a chair crying. She was hurt by something that happened on the phone talking to her mother-in-law about holiday plans. Robert’s mother insisted they come to her house for the big dinner. “I think it would be better for everyone if I hosted…

Well, it seems the We Can’t Stop singer, can’t stop. She continues to pull out all the stops! Her most recent antic was to smoke pot on stage during the MTV Europe Music Awards held in Amsterdam where marihuana use is legal. Miley thought it would be “fun” to smoke a joint on stage when…

CBN News looked at this issue and invited me to speak as an expert. A new survey indicates that parents are aware of the problems with technology and their kids, but just don’t care. Watch the short news piece. Be someone who cares!

You walk in to a room full of co-workers and trip. Everyone stops what they are doing and stares at you for what seems like hours. You are embarrassed. Really, you just tripped through the door in front of your peers! How to you cope with this? New research may have some surprising answers! Do…

Aaron and Holly were like many couples in the early years of having children. What was once a hot romance between the two of them seemed to fizzle to barely an ember. When they came to see me, they reported not having sex for the past year.  Somehow, in the busyness of their lives, it just…

One of the reasons we hold on to anger even when it troubles our relationships is because we think it works for us. We don’t’ like to give up things that serve a purpose. So ask, what does anger do for me? Is it motivated by some deficiency or a reflexive response to unfair treatment? …

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