Doing Life Together

We will be traveling to our relatives in another state for several family gatherings during Christmas. Two of my siblings are problem drinkers and I am not sure how to handle this with my family. We do not drink so my children are not used to seeing family members act up while under the influence.…

Even though I love the holidays, I also dread them because of the stress involved. I feel on-edge, my children are out of sorts and my husband and I seem to fight about family and activities to attend. I don’t want to feel like Scrooge this holiday season. Are there ways to minimize the stress…

I am divorced and think my ex spends way too much money on Christmas gifts for our two young kids. This is causing tension between us. It feels like a competition I can’t win. I find myself spending too much because I don’t want to look cheap. He has more money than I do. I…

As much as I love to shop on-line, I prefer to tackle the masses during Christmas and head to the malls and store. My question is, “How can I shop with two little ones (ages two and four) and remain sane?” I will have to take them with me but really want to give it…

Today’s video blog offers a big tip on how to stress less during the holiday season. Check it out on my video blog!

Today, on Cyber Monday, I won’t be shopping. I will be attending the funeral of my neighbor who, at 64 years of age, was working in his yard and died. His death was sudden and unexpected. I wished him Happy Thanksgiving before I left to visit family and a few hours later he collapsed in…

Maybe you are one of those people who got up at 4a.m and shopped until you dropped to hit all the Black Friday bargains. I did it once. Probably, won’t do it again. I had two problems. 1) I got impatient with all the lines and didn’t really enjoy being around cranking people at 4a.m.…

From my home to yours, enjoy the feast, give thanks and relax! Click on this link to listen to the Dr. Linda Mintle radio show on the power of gratitude.

Happy Thanksgiving. I wanted to spend a few moments talking about the physical, psychological and social benefits of being grateful. If you need a reason to give thanks, here are a number of goof ones! This is a video blog only a few minutes long!  

Reader Question: We are attending Thanksgiving at my in-laws and I am concerned about how they will treat my children. My husband is an only child and we have three very rowdy young boys. Last time we visited, my in-laws made several negative comments about the boys. My sons have no cousins and were bored…

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