Doing Life Together

While having a high IQ doesn’t guarantee life success, it sure helps with academic achievement. So if you feel you need a little IQ boost, keep reading. Measures of intelligence are not static and can be affected by life and school-related experiences. However, we need to know what works. For example, My mom worked crossword…

Most of you are concerned about the effects of divorce on the adjustment of your children. You want to do whatever possible to help them adjust. You already feel guilty about putting children through the ordeal of divorce. A good place to begin is to reduce the conflict between you and your ex-spouse. I know…

Losing weight seems to be a life long trial for so many of us. Let’s just say that getting on the scale is a sometimes depressing event. I know it is important to weigh yourself regularly in order to keep your weight down. This has been conformed by studies-people who weigh regularly keep their weight…

Jerry struggled with not wanting to go to school. His parents noticed how anxious he was and finally learned that a bully was making Jerry’s life miserable. When Jerry reported this behavior to one of his teachers, the teacher downplayed the bullying and told Jerry to “just deal with it.” Bullying is a known to negatively…

Robert is at an  office party. He’s been working hard and wants to win over his colleagues and make a good impression. He’s wondering if there is anything he can do right now to win people over. Actually, there is, especially when it comes to his nonverbal behavior. 1) When Robert talks, he should nod his head.…

Five years ago, there was no conflict. Renee and Jerry decided to have children. At the time, both felt it was best for Renee to stay home with the children while Jerry worked outside the home. Recently, Renee was having a tough day, complaining about the children and feeling left out of adult life. In…

Susan’s leg injury was healed more than two months ago, so why is she still having chronic pain? Her family thinks it is all in her head, but is it? Her doctor can’t find a reason for the pain and questioned her about stress in her life. Susan admitted that she is going through a…

Like most of you, I was horrified to see the video of the Planned Parenthood women having wine and food  while discussing abortive body parts for sale. The lack of a moral compass should outrage all of us, but yesterday, as I  listened to Juan Williams on The Five say that this was “gorilla theatre” by the person who…

Dr. Ben Carson, renowned pediatric neurosurgeon and now presidential candidate, was raised in poverty to a single mom who lived in a tough neighborhood. Ben’s mom worked two to three jobs in order to put food on the table. She didn’t want to be a victim. Instead, she instilled a work ethic into both of her boys.…

Are you a leader? You don’t have to be a CEO or President of an organization. You can be a leader in your family, school, church or in the community. One definition of a leader is someone who has followers. We see and hear a lot about unhealthy leaders, but what about leaders who get it…

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