Doing Life Together

A cell phone started ringing in the middle of a couple’s wedding. The minister who was marrying the couple was not amused. As he started chiding the congregation about turning off their phones, he realized it was his cell that had been ringing. Oops. It’s that time of year when wedding stories are the topic of many…

It’s always nice when studies support what we know is best for people to flourish. When it comes to sexuality, people are not flourishing despite what you see and hear from media. Sexual hurt and wounding are common in clinical practice. In part, this hurt is due to believing several myths that have become culturally…

Are you ready for this There is a new trend gaining some traction. It’s called Sologomy or autogamy, or, self-marriage. Whichever term you choose, it literally means you marry yourself. It is supposed to be a symbolic ceremony where you commit to maintaining a meaningful, deep, and loving relationship with yourself. The goal is to…

Happy Father’s Day! I know not everyone has a great relationship with their father. However, this Father’s Day, I encourage you to think about your dad and find at least one thing he gave you as a gift. Was there a lesson you learned that has impacted who you are today? Some will think of…

When someone says, “I am having  a nervous breakdown,” do you know what they mean? “Nervous breakdown” isn’t a medical term. Most often it refers to becoming physical or emotionally overwhelmed related to life stress. You “break down” under the pressure and are not functioning like your normal self. You may have heard someone refer…

Have you ever been surrounded by people, but still felt lonely? It’s not a good feeling and, interestingly, not always easy to identify. Loneliness develops when you experience a gap between the connections you want or desire and the connections you have. In other words, you realize you lack meaningful relationships in your life. This…

Those of us who went to college did some stupid things. Sometimes they were silly, even foolish. But a new craziness has emerged that’s simply dangerous behavior that should concern everyone. You know it’s “hot” when it’s trending on social media, especially TikTok. It is called the BORG. And no, I am not talking about…

The job offer was to come any day now, but it didn’t. An email read, “Thank you for applying, but we decided to hire another candidate.” Or “You are a great person, but I don’t think we are right for each other. Sorry, we need to end this relationship.” Or ” I really liked your…

Barbecues will fire up. Pools will open. Welcome to the three-day weekend of Memorial Day. In the middle of family fun and the official welcome of the summer tourist season, please remember that some families are not so happy. They are dealing with the loss of a loved one who served in the military. For…

Friendships may be one of the most underrated relationships when it comes to feeling loved and supported in your life. And finding a best friend is no easy task. I can name on one hand the number of best friends I have had throughout my life. And sadly, if you don’t keep those relationships going with…

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