Doing Life Together

One of our former professors who is in his 70s is an active pickle ball player. Both he and his wife have built quite a community of people around the game. Their pickle ball group meets regularly, socializes and basically does life together. The couple is active and vibrant and are on to something very…

We’ve heard a lot about what was lost during the pandemic-the setbacks people faced in business, relationships and even their mental health. But it is possible to build resiliency through setbacks and make them comebacks?  Consider this. When was the last time you were derailed from reaching a goal? Did the setback discourage you or…

How many times have you heard someone say,” I’ve been hurt by the church. Why would I go back? They are a bunch of hypocrites.” It is certainly understandably to feel that way since we don’t expect church people to hurt us. It’s painful to see hypocrisy, people treated poorly by church members, or used…

I love coffee. The first thing I do in the darkness of the morning is make a cup and sit quietly to begin the day. Just the smell of coffee brewing makes me happy. That first cup is my moment to transition from rest to begin my day. It’s a time to meditate and pray,…

A 50-year-old female comes to my office with a 10-year-history of major depression. She is chronically depressed and doesn’t  feel medication is that helpful. She wants to explore other ways to feel better. In fact, there are around 37 different antidepressants used in the United States and they don’t work for everyone. Furthermore, it is…

  In my 30 years of working with people in therapy, I have seen the power of forgiveness set people free. An adult child who was sexually abused, a wife betrayed by a husband, a teen whose addicted father beat him, a parent who lost a child from a drunk driver…the list could do on…

A cell phone started ringing in the middle of a couple’s wedding. The minister who was marrying the couple was not amused. As he started chiding the congregation about turning off their phones, he realized it was his cell that had been ringing. Oops. It’s that time of year when wedding stories are the topic of many…

It’s always nice when studies support what we know is best for people to flourish. When it comes to sexuality, people are not flourishing despite what you see and hear from media. Sexual hurt and wounding are common in clinical practice. In part, this hurt is due to believing several myths that have become culturally…

Are you ready for this There is a new trend gaining some traction. It’s called Sologomy or autogamy, or, self-marriage. Whichever term you choose, it literally means you marry yourself. It is supposed to be a symbolic ceremony where you commit to maintaining a meaningful, deep, and loving relationship with yourself. The goal is to…

Happy Father’s Day! I know not everyone has a great relationship with their father. However, this Father’s Day, I encourage you to think about your dad and find at least one thing he gave you as a gift. Was there a lesson you learned that has impacted who you are today? Some will think of…

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