No suicide attempt should be dismissed or treated lightly! The week of September 5-10 is National Suicide Prevention Week. Your religion, race, or gender doesn’t make you immune from suicide. It doesn’t matter what God you pray to because depression isn’t a punishment from God. Depression is a mental health issue. It can affect…

It’s important for suicide attempt survivors to tell their stories. To be the witnesses of what utter despair feels like, what despair makes you do, and how to go past that awful moment when you want to end your life. In 2014, I wrote about Erin Farkas’ self-harm and suicide attempt. Like Erin, I’ve self harmed and…

Love Is Understanding I once caught the ending of a podcast where they explained that love is understanding. We take so literally the phrase “love each other as you love yourself” that we assumed we have to feel butterflies for every single person that crosses our path. But that’s not really it. You see, love has…

5 Step Plan Dealing With Depression When it comes to dealing with depression, I like easy. Easy is good. Easy is simple. Here’s a 5 step plan for dealing with depression 1) Identify the Cause Look at how you got to where you are right now. What was the cause? Causes can be tricky. You…

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