Daily Joys and Simple Pleasures

Overwhelm kicks in when the “everything” is considered in the context of getting it all done. The penchant for expressing our worth  by how busy we are has woven itself into the fabric of our culture. Our worth as a human begins by virtue  of our breathing.  It works outward from there. There are some…

I am often in a hurry.  I try to be mindful as I hurry, but still, it’s a hurry-up-and-get-the-next-thing-done kind of hurry. And I have lots of “next things.” When that hurry-ness combines with anxiety, or concern, or just plain ‘ole  tired crankiness, it’s not a pretty picture. I got to see my “shadow self”…

Rarely do I share book reviews here, and yet this book prompted me to do so. If you are in need of a curriculum for a young person or a jumpstart at retirement, this book is that.  If you are looking for fresh ideas to lift your creative practice or deepen your capacity to enjoy…

from LEAN FORWARD INTO YOUR LIFE (2007 Conari Press, Mary Anne Radmacher, author)  “Know When To Leave” It was time for me to leave. What I was leaving was so delicious in its appearance. The opportunity to be a part-time hero is reasonable appealing. I chose to be hero to myself. I chose to not…

“Editing. It’s Not Just For Writing.” I’ve spent much of my writing time since I was 28 trying to get rid of words. Editing down. Paring down. Getting to the core. I woke up this morning clear on the matter: that is what I am doing with the whole of my life. I see I…

There are two lines that people have to fill out when enrolling in school, in a new program, camp, new doctor… “Nearest relative.”   “Person to call in case of emergency.” In LIVE BOLDLY I explore several sides of the concept of family.  There’s the family that you are born into and then there is the…

Conversation around equality is uncomfortable. To begin with.  This is not a fresh circumstance. Equality has been a core component of conflict over the ages. Race. Age. Gender. Belief. Economic state. Land ownership. Ownership of all sorts.  It is disturbing for so many reasons. The way chauvinism shows up in all the layers of our…

I formalized an approach to house making last year. An approach I’d inadvertently applied (willy nilly) for many years.  I created a set of cards (that I offered in a bundle) titled THREE MINUTES, Seven Minutes and ELEVEN MINUTES.  Those were the most common time frames that various house keeping tasks seemed to take.  I…

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