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Millions of Parents Avoid the Flu Shot, and It Has Nothing to Do With Autism
Stephanie Hertzenberg
Did you get the flu vaccine this year? Did your children? If you said no, you are far from the only one to skip out on the flu shot. Millions of parents in America skip having their child receive the flu shot, and the vast majority of them have no reservations about any other vaccine.…
Half of Doctors Say Insurance Policy Headaches Are Driving Them Out of the Medical Field
Stephanie Hertzenberg
Everyone hates having to deal with insurance companies. You only contact them when you really need them, so you typically contact them in times of crisis. That said, the last thing that anyone wants to do when they are dealing with a serious issue is deal with a bureaucracy and all the associated red tape.…
Is Technology Killing Generation Z?
Stephanie Hertzenberg
Technology has become largely omnipresent in the modern world. Print magazines and newspapers are steadily being replaced by digital options. Children can use iPads before they can read, and teens can read “emoji” as well as they can their first language. Many people will cheerfully boast about the good the internet has done. The ubiquity…
10 Powerful Lessons From My Son’s Cancer
Beliefnet Staff
“Carcinoma.” We don’t remember much of what the doctor said. The c-word obliterated everything else. We thought it was just a lesion. After all, Aaron was 15. Yeah, some kids develop cancer, but not ours. That happens to other people. Add to this the fact that Aaron’s biological father died of Pancreatic cancer and you…
Meditation May Help You Avoid the Flu This Winter
Stephanie Hertzenberg
The advantages of meditating and exercising simply continue to pile up. Both are known to decrease people’s stress levels, but it is now looking like they could be people’s backup flu shot. A recent study by University of Wisconsin-Madison found that either regular exercise or meditation could help reduce a person’s chance of contracting the…
Catholic Masses Stop Giving Wine at Communion Due to Flu Epidemic
Stephanie Hertzenberg
Catholics never really notice how touchy feely they are during Mass until the Archdiocese asks that parishioners keep their hands to themselves on Sunday to avoid spreading the flu. In Santa Fe, the Archdiocese asked that Catholics avoid holding hands during prayer and simply smiling or nodding during the sign of peace instead of shaking…
Paging Dr. Google, America is Calling
Stephanie Hertzenberg
Google dominates the internet between its massive search engine and ownership of YouTube. It is the go-to source of information for most Americans and is so commonly used that “googling” has become a recognized verb. Recently, Americans have added a new trend to their googling. They still use google to hunt for information on a…
Teen Vaping Nearly Doubled in 2018
Stephanie Hertzenberg
The good news is that teens are doing less binge drinking. The bad news is that teen vaping has shot through the roof. A recent survey from Monitoring the Future found that the number of teens who reported vaping has nearly doubled in the last year. That is the largest single increase that Monitoring the Future…
Less Than a Third of Americans Exercise Correctly
Stephanie Hertzenberg
Exercise is essential if you want to remain healthy. This is not news to anyone, though some people would give anything for it to be false. It is also not news that few Americans get the amount of exercise they need. Recent studies, however, have found that not only do American adults not get enough…
New Government Report Suggests 1 in 40 Kids Has Autism
Stephanie Hertzenberg
A recent study published in the journal “Pediatrics” estimated that roughly 2.5 percent of children in the United States are on the autism spectrum. The percentage is based on data from the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health which collected information from parents of more than 50,000 children. All children who have ever been given…
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