Almost half of the U.S. population is taking prescription drugs. In a survey published by the National Center for Health Statistics, approximately 46 percent of the population used one or more prescription drugs in the past 30 days. “Changing trends in prescription drug use over time may be influenced by changing disease prevalence and diagnosis,…

The viral infection was declared eliminated from the U.S. in 2000 but has since come back with a vengeance. One of the big reasons measles is spreading is because of the many surrounding the disease. Here five of the top myths about measles debunked. It’s time to separate the fact from the fiction. Myth 1:…

Carl’s Jr. added something a bit special to its signature sauce. This past April 20th, unofficially known as the holiday celebrating marijuana, Carl’s Jr. developed a CBD-infused burger for one of it’s Denver locations. In another nod to the marijuana holiday, the burger sold for $4.20. This offer made Carl’s Jr. the first national fast…

Heart attacks are normally the sort of thing that people expect to occur in elderly people. Recent studies, however, show that the young are becoming increasingly vulnerable to cardiac events. Heart attacks especially are on the rise among adults who are in their 30s or younger. In fact, the proportion of heart attack patients who…

When most people imagine the typical victim of a heart attack they usually imagine either someone who is very old or someone who is very overweight. The risk among people who do not fit those descriptions, however, is rising. Between 2010 and 2014 nearly one third of all heart attack related hospital admissions in the…

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