
I went backpacking last weekend with some friends. At dusk, a smattering of bats came out, fluttering above the firelight. I told my kids about it in the car yesterday, while driving home from dinner. Son: “Really? There were bats?” Me: “Yep.” Son, to my daughter: “See?!? Bats are real!” Daughter: “I know. Who said…

Feeling nostalgic today, thanks to this post from The Atlantic’s Alex Madrigal about the big movement in the ’70s to build space colonies. I had a set of Disney-produced books about science and history, and one of them had an essay about space colonies, moon colonies, and undersea colonies — complete with artists’ renderings of…

Nathan Reimer has been a long-time reader of my various blogs and has a great fatherhood/parenting blog of his own called Dads Can Cook Too! In a story he shared last weekend, he offered a great example of how to take advantage of a teachable moment with his son: I’m at work and receive an…

I don’t understand Australian Rules Football, nor will I pretend to. And I don’t have much of an opinion as to whether this kind of offensive pass interference should be allowed in the NFL. But I do know that this catch by Andrew Walker of the Carlton Football Club is one of the coolest things…

If you’ve always dreamed of using your neighborhood mad scientist’s DeLorean to go back in time, meet your nerdy dad, and make sure he falls in love with Lea Thompson…you’re out of luck. Physicists at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology have proved that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light…

The goal of Meet a Dad: Profile a dad and let him share his fatherly wisdom with us. Some of these dads will be well-known in certain circles; others will be largely unknown outside of their immediate circles. Doesn’t matter, because I think just about every father has as much (or more) to share than…

Kids these days. They have no concept of… 1. Staying home sick from school and watching stupid game shows because I felt too bad to get up and change the channel. 2. Crushing on Mary Ann from Gilligan’s Island. 3. Trying to get home quickly from Sunday-night church so we could watch Diff’rent Strokes. (These…

Here’s a question for you dads and moms out there: What kinds of stuff do you let your kids drink? I’m not talking alcohol or anything scandalous. Just regular drinks. Soft drinks. Sports drinks. That kind of stuff. My wife and I are finding that we’re way more strict than most parents on what our…

On Saturday, my son and I both competed in a local sprint triathlon. Mine was a traditional sprint with a 325-yard swim, 11.5-mile bike, and 5K run. His was shorter but no less intense: a 25-yard swim followed by a half-mile bike and quarter-mile run. Most kids his age are unable to do anything but…

The goal of Meet a Dad: Profile a dad and let him share his fatherly wisdom with us. Some of these dads will be well-known in certain circles; others will be largely unknown outside of their immediate circles. Doesn’t matter, because I think just about every father has as much (or more) to share than…

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