Batten down the hatches — and stock up on chocolate! Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on the East Coast of the United States, and it’s being super-powered by the Full Moon in Taurus. Astrologers are warning everyone to take “Frankestorm” very seriously, because this hardcore Full Moon happens at the same time there’s a nasty…

Yesterday, I talked about the friendly energy of love planet Venus moving into Libra on Sunday, and how it will give our friendships and partnerships a boost. Well, here’s another one to add to the mix: Mercury, planet of communication, moves into freedom-loving Sagittarius on Monday, October 29, adding to the friendly and social cosmic…

Here comes Rocktober! I love this month — the gorgeous colors of the changing leaves, so much pumpkin pie and my favorite holiday, Halloween. And astrologically speaking, this is the month of the lovely Sun in Libra, when everyone just seems to get along better. I love it. But astrologically speaking, this October has a…

Mercury moves fast, changing signs every two and a half or three weeks, and it’s a good thing because its trip through Virgo since August 31 has turned me into a witch. Ok, not really, but it’s been a rough month and that sharp Mercury-in-Virgo style of communication has not been helping. Between my own…

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