Well, Mercury is officially retrograde, and I managed to wait a whole two hours into it before freaking out on my boyfriend. Romance gets tricky in retrograde, and clearly no one is immune to love complications now. I mean, if someone like me who knows all about it and is fully prepared can still get…

It’s Election Day in the U.S., and fortunately I voted early so I won’t be dealing with the massive miscommunication taking place at polling stations thanks to Mercury Retrograde. I just heard that some people in Ohio and Florida are waiting in lines more than seven hours at some polling stations, and I’m pretty sure…

Here we go! I can feel it already. Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius tomorrow, which as we all know is Election Day in the U.S. I voted early so my ballot wouldn’t get lost in the mail, but I sure hope there aren’t any mistakes made when it comes to tallying up the votes! I…

As if things like presidential elections and the holidays aren’t already hectic enough, get ready for this: Mercury goes retrograde on Election Day, and it spins backward right on through Thanksgiving. Mercury Retrograde always messes with travel, communication and technology for everyone, but it seems like it always gets to me more than some people.…

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