Passover celebrates the freedom from bondage, and I have an opportunity as a physician to free my patients from the bondage of illness.

Imposing my beliefs onto the healthcare of others is a slippery slope. This doctor, for one, refuses to take this path.

For years and years, I have heard the story of the birth of Christ recited in beautiful Arabic during Muslim ritual prayer. That’s because the story of Christmas is in the Quran.

For this Muslim at Christmas, I like to say “Merry Christmas.” Saying “Happy Holidays” just doesn’t do it for me.

The Muslim man in the video who destroys a statue of the Virgin Mary betrays his faith.

Jerusalem should never be a ‘zero sum’ city. Rather, it must be a city for all.

There is nothing “usual” about the attack on a mosque in Egypt.

The tale of Harvey Weinstein is a cautionary one, reminding all those who have power one thing: the Lord suffers absolutely no rival.

In the Name of God, The Extremely and Eternally Loving and Caring I sat next to a physician colleague from Texas last week at a leadership development conference in Seattle. As part of the discussion in the course, I mentioned that I was an ordained minister. He came to me later and told me that…

In the Name of God, the Extremely and Endlessly Loving and Caring When you meet him, you are immediately struck by his humility, his kindness, and his awe-inspiring intelligence. Yet, you do not realize that you are standing next to a giant. A true giant, in every sense of the word. Such was Professor Cherif…

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