Last night I returned from masjid at just the right time to tune into the live stream of the final ten minutes of the landing of the Curiosity Rover on Mars. The description of how the rover landed is astonishing – in essence, the car-sized rover was lowered to the ground with cables, from a…

Jumah Mubarak, and May the 4th be with you! Today is Star Wars day, the day we remember with fondness the three greatest movies of our childhood and tolerate three others that were loosely related. The Jedi order has always had a special resonance for geeky muslim youth in the West. Every muslim kid knows…

Earlier I’d linked to an amusing graphic making the case that Captain Jack Sparrow of Pirates of the Caribbean fame was possibly a crypto-muslim. As it turns out, though, Suhaib Webb has a much more indepth analysis of the real historical inspiration for Jack Sparrow: Captain Jack Birdy. In the late 16th century a young…

Should Batman kill the Joker? There is actually an ethical debate about this, which is quite relevant to our own national security debate over the question of extrajudicial killing. I was in favor of the targeting of radical cleric Anwar al Awlaki for the simple reason that he had 1. declared war on America, and…

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