nick vujicic
CBN News/YouTube

Over half of Americans watch pornography, but in many churches, it’s still taboo to discuss in polite conversation. According to an analysis published by The Journal of Sex Research, it’s estimated some 91.5 percent of men and 60.2 percent of women consume pornography at varying degrees of regularity, and countless studies have shown how damaging it can be.

Not only can porn consumption significantly decrease its consumers’ body confidence and self-esteem, but it often leads to the normalization of perpetrating and accepting sexually abusive behaviors. It perpetuates sex trafficking because, among other reasons, it’s virtually impossible to verify consent and age in pornographic content. Various surveys have even noted how deeply the issue of pornography has permeated the church.

With those data points in mind, a Christian evangelist and author Nick Vujicic recently spoke to CBN’s Faithwire about how critical it is for churches to address sexual sin. While it’s a priority to address the issue of human trafficking, Vujicic urged believers to speak to the more accessible and widespread problem of pornography consumption. He said, “Let’s talk about your pornographic addiction. When was the last time you actually saw pornography? It’s scientifically proven that, when you’re pornographically addicted, it rewires your brain.”

Vujicic continued, “We are getting rewired. We are supposed to be renewed in our minds. So what happens is we get comfortable, and we get lazy, and we just look for coping mechanisms to feel OK. Just because you feel OK this week doesn’t mean anything.” The “Life Without Limbs” author encouraged those living in sexual sin to flee from complacency in their disobedience to God’s Word by actively repenting, seeking forgiveness from the Lord and changing their behavior.

Vujicic added, “You need to reveal, repent, and restore. And part of repentance is something called accountability. I’m not addicted to any pornography. I’m not addicted to drugs. I’m not addicted. I’m also not sacrificing my family for ministry. I’ve seen too many people not finish strong. Why? Because I have accountability. I make sure my family comes first. I make sure that we do all that we can to hunger and thirst for righteousness. That’s what we need to do. This ain’t rocket science.”

The Lord is evident throughout Scripture in His command for Christians to gather together in the community. Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Too many people, Vujicic warned, see the church as “a social club that gathers once a week.” He said, “We need to get real. There’s healing, and there’s power. If you’re addicted and you’re going through something, and there’s something, you need to now confess that sin. The Holy Spirit’s now convicted you. Say, ‘Jesus, I’m a sinner. Forgive me. Change me. Give me the courage to talk to somebody. I can’t do this on my own. Devil, get behind me in Jesus’ name. I am the Lord’s. Help me to walk away from sin and help me, God, to push into You, abide in You, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.'”

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