In a bizarre two-minute advert, Jesus becomes an organ donor. This advert has sparked outrage in the Christian community with religious followers calling “blasphemy.”

The clip, which aired in Australia shows an actor playing the Son of God just moments before the crucifixion.

Two Roman guards walk up to him and ask if he has considered donating his organs before he dies. The same guards inform Jesus that registering as an organ donor could help save the lives of up to seven people, right before suggesting he signs up immediately before he is killed.

When the actor playing Jesus shows interest in donating his organs, one of the guards sticks a phone on a spear and passes it up to him on the cross.

And if you didn’t think this was shocking enough, the guard then tells Jesus he needs his family to be “on board for this” and invites his earthly parents, Mary and Joseph to endorse his decision.

In the end, all three of them pose for a selfie, which one of the guards suggests should be posted on social media with the hashtags #register #DyingtoLive. Jesus suggests the hashtag #blessed.

The controversial advert is part of a documentary called Dying to Live which addresses the lack of organ donor registrations in Australia.

The video, that has now gone viral has outraged Christians who are labeling the advert “blasphemy.”

One viewer commented, “This is a truly despicable grab for publicity.”

Another commenter wrote, “If the intention was to be disrespectful and blasphemous towards Christians and their God – then you nailed it.”

Another viewer said, “How dare you mock my Lord Jesus! If this were mocking my race, color, gender or sexual preference you would be breaking the law.”

Jesus Christ died on a Roman cross as recorded in the four Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Christian theology teaches that Christ’s death provided the perfect atoning sacrifice for the sins of all humankind, thus making the crucifix, or cross, one of the defining symbols of Christianity.

Jesus’ crucifixion occurred in the 1st-century, most likely between AD 30 and 33.

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