Luke 24:38 asks, “Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts?” This Bible verse from Luke is an essential reminder to trust in the Lord at all times. Also known as Luke the Evangelist, Luke is widely regarded as the author of both the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts, according to the Christian website OverviewBible. Luke wrote more of the New Testament than anyone else — even more than the apostle Paul, that site notes.
Jesus, Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, O.P., told Fox News Digital, didn’t need to ask the disciples what was bothering them — after all, the Bible tells us that God “knows the secrets of our hearts” in Psalm 44. Briscoe is a Washington, D.C.-based Dominican friar and Catholic priest. “So why does He do it, then? Why ask the disciples what troubles them?” said Briscoe. He did this, he said, because “Jesus needs the disciples to confront their fear, to face it, to claim it, to own it.” Briscoe said, “The biggest temptation in the spiritual life is to believe that we can make progress on our own.”
He continued, “How many times have we tried to advance in prayer or study scripture more fruitfully or accomplish good deeds by our strength? How many times have we depended on ourselves rather than God?” Rather than depending on ourselves, “every challenge, every trial of life, is about surrendering to God and trusting in Him,” he said. Briscoe then related that he was recently “accosted on the streets of Denver.” As a Dominican friar, Briscoe wears a white religious habit — and “a man clearly thought I was something I am not,” he said. He continued, “I heard him call out to me, and before I realized what was happening, he crossed the street, grabbed the top part of my garment and ripped it off. He began to make off with it, but I reached out and grabbed it and pulled it back.”
“What was I thinking?” he added. It quickly became clear that “this poor man was not in his right mind” — and Briscoe said he “begged him to let go.” He said, “I was polite but firm.” He said, “Then, I had an inspiration. Still holding my clothes, I dropped to my knees and prayed, ‘Jesus, help my brother know that I love him.’” The man, “just like that,” dropped Briscoe’s habit and walked away, he said. “People aren’t impressed when Christians are troubled or distressed. But when peace, the peace of the Risen Christ, reigns in our hearts, they know. They see it,” he said. The peace of Christ, said Briscoe, “is irresistible.”
He also said, “The peace of Christ is the one thing every heart longs for, and it’s the one thing this world cannot give.” When Jesus met with His disciples in Jerusalem after the resurrection, “He told them, ‘Peace be with you,’” said Briscoe. That phrase is repeated each Sunday at Mass. “With our eyes fixed on Christ, we can withstand any trial,” said Briscoe.
“As our lips profess His holy and saving name, we will rely only on Him. And then, the peace of Easter will drive all anxiety, every fear, from our timid hearts.”