I couldn’t let the final night of Andy Rooney’s weekly commentary on 60 Minutes go without commenting. Rooney was enjoyable, even Jerry Seinfeld-like when doing segments on simple day-to-day matters. At his best, there was genius in his simplicity. When he went on to larger issues, however, like war and other social matters he showed…

I am comfortable enough in my manhood to admit this: I LOVE Chris Christie! A Newsmax report that he is reconsidering his  previous stand about not running for the presidency is GREAT news. The guy is a straight shooting, tax-cutting, reporter-mangling conservative Republican and can win the Northeast in a general election. I like Rick…

It was and is nice to see all the TV programming remembering 9-11-01 and the tragic events of that day. It proves many of us have NOT forgotten that day and how awesome it is to be an American. Here are some thoughts from a conservative … me … about 9-11. While many of us…

It’s never too late for a jobs bill, even three years into Barack Obama’s presidency. Obama himself tried to make that point, over and over, 17 times in fact, during his speech before Congress and the American people Thursday night. VP Joe Biden echoed the point the next morning on the news talk shows, not…

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