Casting Stones

Back to populism again: I notice that he didn’t mention that he raised taxes as well and that he left the state with a surplus (which means the tax payers were over taxed).Allahpundit thinks it’s an implied negative ad against Romney (he’s the guy who would lay them off, Huckabee is just a poor schlub…

Though it wasn’t the main story line Tuesday, we did learn a few interesting things about the evangelical vote: Huckabee doesn’t have it locked up. Amazingly, he got only 28% of the evangelical vote in New Hampshire. Are there regional differences in evangelical opinion these days? Was there something about Huckabee that they learned and…

Get this: Huckabee won only 28% of the evangelicals who voted in the Republican primary. He, Romney and McCain basically tied.

There’s a push by the Democrats, who are limited to Hillary, Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel in their primary, to mess with the Republican nomination by voting for Huckabee. This is the same group of Democrats who voted for McCain to upset Gov. Engler who was a Bush supporter: Lemmons said Tuesday that the push…

When Hillary said during her New Hampshire victory speech, “Over the last week, I listened to you, and in the process I found my own voice,” I snorted. It seemed odd that after campaigning for a year, she would only now have found her voice. But my wife, Amy, said, “Oooh. That’s good. Women will…

You couldn’t have more of a status quo vote than McCain and Clinton.

Obama won among people who feel like the economy is doing well and Hillary won among those who disagreed. Obama won among college graduates, Hillary won among those who didnt graduate college. If this pattern persist, Obama will lose. Mondale/Hart. Clinton/Tsongas. Gore/Bradley. Hart, Tsongas and Bradley won the same demographic as Obama. Mondale, Clinton (Billy…

Holy Moly. Evangelicals made up 21% of the New Hampshire Republican voters — and went 32% for Huckabee and 31% for McCain, who was supposedly loathed by religious Christians. Exhibit #838 that we need to recalibrate our understanding of evangelical politics.

Everyone is assuming that Huckabee’s only chance is down south in the Bible belt. But before they get to South Carolina, where he should do well, they hit Michigan. We don’t tend to think of Michigan as an evangelical state but in 2000, 27% of the Republican primary electorate called it self part of the…

But it’s not all Obamania Secretary of State William Gardner has predicted 260,000 Granite Staters will vote in the Democratic primary and 240,000 will vote in the Republican primary. He predicted that 150,000 undeclared voters will cast votes – 90,000 in the Democratic primary and 60,000 in the Republican primary. I’m feeling a little bit…

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