Casting Stones

The tidal wave of “Super Tuesday” has come and gone. What did it leave in its wake? On the Democratic side, the race between Senators Clinton and Obama tightened rather than clarified. Sen. Obama won more states, but the really big prizes—New York, New Jersey, and California—went to Sen. Clinton. So the race for the…

California provided the first real case in which we have real data on how Jews voted in the Democratic primaries. The verdict? A tie. Among the 5% of the Democratic electorate in California, 48% went to Clinton, 44% to Obama.

Given how well Huckabee has done tonight, I cant help but wonder: all the conservatives who hate John McCain, why did they rally around Romney, who’s not conservative, instead of Huckabee, who is? Part of the answer is that the conservative media elites really do seem to care about lower taxes more than abortion. McCain…

Here’s an open invitation to take Beliefnet’s faith and politics ’08 poll. This is your chance to weigh in on the most faith-based presidential campaign in memory. We should have results next week.

The conventional wisdom is that Huckabee is slipping because he has not expanded beyond his evangelical base. That’s wrong. He’s losing because he’s not even winning his evangelical base. In Michigan, Huckabee won only 29% of evangelicals, less even than the Mormon Mitt Romney. Perhaps that was a fluke related to Romney’s semi-home-state advantage? Nope.…

That’s why you get asked the questions about your Christian position in the debates. If you don’t want to handle Christians questions, why did you advertise as a Christian leader. You brought this on yourself.

And it was glorious! Told him what a Reagan conservative was! I’ll post a video when I can find one. I don’t like the format of the debate and there is way too much Romney and McCain time. And I was glad that Ron Paul insisted that he get to answer the same question as…

I hope he plans to draw a clear distinction between his conservatism and Huckabee’s (evidently, the term has been redefined) and that he doesn’t waste his time with Romney: “I think this is now a fight for the heart and soul of the Republican party.” Thompson said. “We’re going to decide whether or not we…

The dawn is spreading after years of darkness; it’s a new day in politics, one that is governed by hope and a belief that we can be different. That Obama can lead Democrats and Republicans into the promised land of non-partisanship. Not just bi-partisan, but non-partisanship, as Huckabee says, no more labels, no more left…

Guess who’s winning so far? Huckabee of course, is there any Christian candidate? Though, Obama and Thompson are tied for second 🙂 Ron Paul is only at 6.5%, I guess the Paulians haven’t discovered the poll yet. (via)

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