My  busy-buzzy brain woke me up to write this a few hours ago and I made a deal with The Muse that I could sleep a bit more, if I formulated the text in dreamland. She nodded and agreed. Lately, my mind has been racing with all of the things I want to and need to do. Seemingly slower in some ways than I was a year and half ago, but still my days are filled with activity and desires cast out for redemption when they are fully formed. Although I am not running myself ragged as I had, which led to a series of health crises, my friends remind me that my schedule is still far busier than it would serve me to have it be. I do take pause when needed, to nap and be in nature, absorbing its healing properties. As I am typing these words, I am listening to my favorite radio program – Sleepy Hollow on the University of Pennsylvania station called WXPN. It is ease into Saturday and Sunday morning music. The perfect accompaniment to a piece on the need to be more leisurely in a world that sometimes demands speed.

Even while I am penning one piece, others are gathering to make themselves known, clamoring for attention, wanting to be born. “Be patient,” I tell them. “I can only write one of you at a time.”  I am reminded of what I have told clients, using the analogy of a customer service rep who can take care of one person in line at a time, and once they are satisfied, has the next one step up. Would that be so with creativity.

I take notice of the speed at which the world operates too and get my engines revved up by it. Things change from moment to moment. Fear fuels it at times. Hearing stories about violence, climate change, financial woes, illness, death, addictions can inundate even the hardiest of us. There are times when I wonder how people with fewer resilience skills than I have, manage from day to day. What must it be like for those whose support systems are limited? Not prone to anxiety, I have been feeling it lately. Breathing into it, meditating, getting massage, exercising, got back on the yoga mat in a class yesterday. More God-conversations as well. I keep asking what I need to do in order to stay grounded and centered and be of service, while living the best life I can. The answers sound like “Breathe and be. Trust that the right people will show up. The right opportunities will arise to meet your needs.”

This past year has brought with it, exactly that. As I am slowin’ down, the world has caught up with me.



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