Well what can we say? United Methodists will admit almost anyone into membership, so desperate are we in an age of declining church attendance.

And in Wales Township in Michigan at Lamb UMC there was a brief eulogy recently for a critter the pastor called a model member of his congregation— a wild turkey! If he was a model member, I am wondering what the slackers looked like. This turkey regularly attended services for over a year and greeted people as they went into the church week after week. He was there when they came out as well, strutting his stuff.

But one day, someone, apparently annoyed with the noise and fuss of the bird ran over him– hence the need for a eulogy. When people would come out of the church, seems he annoyed some folks and caused them to leave in haste and in a huff.

Here is the story, so you can decide if there has been fowl play here— http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17631469/.

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