So once again a so-called Christian family values group (the Florida Family Association) is attempting to use money to trump Constitutional rights. And tolerance… FFA successfully urged home improvement big-box Lowe’s to pull its advertising from the TV show All-American Muslim. Calling the show ‘propoganda,’ FFA basically called all American Muslims a ‘clear & present…

One of my favourite Christmas songs isn’t really about  Christmas. At least,  not just about Christmas… It’s about “I want to buy in to the benevolent,” and “So goes the prayer if for a day peace on earth/ And good will to man…” In other words, it’s about more than one religion, or even one…

Occasionally people ask me how (why?) I became a Buddhist. And the deal is… I didn’t, actually.At least , not until quite late, and then only if you count my bodhisattva vow a few years ago. Long after I identified as a  Buddhist, in other words. So what turns an Okie girl, raised in the…

I will caution you right now: if you believe it’s okay (for any reason whatsoever) to be mean to children in the name of religion, you should find to do other than reading further. Because this is my bit for socially engaged Buddhism, teaching, and my students, friends and family. Michigan just passed what’s basically…

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