Man is veritably a microcosm of the macrocosmic universe. His finite consciousness is potentially infinite. While his physical sensory organs confine him to the world of matter, his soul is endowed with all-powerful instruments of perception by which God Himself may be known….– Yogananda * It’s easy for many people to talk about spiritual matters,…

Some people give to others and keep an account of what they feel is owed back to them by the individual they help. Others give to someone today expecting they’ll receive a return from someone else when they need it in the future. Others give just for the joy of giving and devote their actions…

It’s not often that we think of listening. But Mark Nepo makes an art of it. In his new book, “Seven Thousand Ways to Listen: Staying Close to What is Sacred” Nepo, the New York Times #1 bestselling author and Ophrah pick, explores how this gentle act of kindness moves us closer. “When we dare…

The highest form of happiness is contentment. Our media and our consumer society often play on discontent. They show us images of what life could be if we were something better or if we only had something more. But contentment is about being in the moment and being present with one’s Self and with the…

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